Motor Insurance Fraud
In recent years motor insurance fraud has undoubtedly become more prevalent and litigation in this area continues to rise. Given the current economic climate, this trend is likely to continue.
We understand the need that both Insurers and Solicitors have for barristers with knowledge of such claims, whether they be acting on behalf of an Insurer or a claimant and in response we have set up a specialist Civil Motor Insurance Fraud Team which comprises members who also have expertise in all types of personal injury cases where fraud is suspected, whether it is related to liability or quantum.
The team deals with:
staged accidents
organised fraud rings
induced ”slam on” accidents
fictitious accidents
phantom passenger claims
low velocity impacts
grossly exaggerated injuries out of proportion to the extent of the impact
alleged or suspected malingering
committal for contempt of court against dishonest claimants/witnesses
third party costs orders
the drafting of pleadings
Acknowledging that the credibility of witness evidence is crucial to the success or failure of many of these suspected claims members of the team are regulary instructed to advise in conference on the strength of such evidence. Conference facilities are available at our Newcastle and York premises along with video conferencing facilities where practicalities or cost make this more appropriate.
For all queries in relation to any aspect of Civil Motor Insurance Fraud, please do not hesitate to contact our clerks.
Barristers who practice in this area of law
Please contact our clerks for further details.