Equality and Diversity

Diversity Policy.

It is our policy to treat everyone equally and fairly regardless of their racial group, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion or political persuasion. To read our policy Statement on equality please follow this link.

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) introduced regulation which requires Chambers to gather and publish the diversity data of Chambers’ workforce. The survey was conducted during 2020 in accordance with the questionnaire devised by the BSB (based on the model proposed by the Legal Services Board). The survey was entirely voluntary and it was conducted in such a way to guarantee the anonymity of those who contributed.

Diversity Data

Number of responses received to the diversity data questionnaire – 89

Barristers/Pupils/Staff –

Barristers → 64

Staff → 17

Pupils → 4

Age band –

16-24 → 5

25-34 → 17

35-44 → 26

45-54 → 15

55-64 → 19

65 and beyond → 6

Prefer not to say → 1

Gender –

Male → 54

Female → 35

Disability –

A lot → 2

A little → 2

Ethnic Group –

White/Black Caribbean → 1

White/Middle Eastern → 1

Bangladeshi → 1

Indian → 1

Irish → 2

White antipodean → 1

White European → 1

White British → 81