Early Neutral Evaluation
Dere Street has two Family Recorders, two Civil Recorders and a Part Time Employment Judge as part of our ENE team.
Parties entering litigation will invariably have diametrically differing perceptions about how a Court will, in the end, decide upon their dispute and consequently may be reluctant to take an objective view of their opponent’s position. However, getting to trial can be excessively time consuming, exhausting and expensive, whatever the perceived merits of the case.
With Early Neutral Evaluation an impartial lawyer with specialist knowledge and/or judicial experience can evaluate the dispute (or any particular aspect of it) in the initial stages and provide the parties with an indication of how the matter may be viewed by a Judge at trial. The evaluation is the property of both parties, is not binding, nor is it an impediment to continuing litigation. The evaluation is simply an aid for the parties to use in exploring more constructive resolutions to their dispute with the benefit of impartial foresight. An independent and unofficial view of the case by an experienced judge can often clear the way for proactive negotiations.
Barristers who practice in this area of law
Year of Call: 1971
Year of Silk: 1992
Year of Call: 1990
Year of Call: 1993
Year of Call: 1994
Please contact our clerks for further details.