Robert Newcombe
After over two-and-a-half decades of heavyweight criminal advocacy involving multiple homicides, hundreds of millions of pounds in defalcations by numerous fraudsters, including sophisticated cyberfraud, covert intelligence and niche regulatory criminal work, Mr Newcombe’s practice has evolved into advisory work in the fields of financial regulatory, business relationships and fiduciary duties.
He completed the CFA UK Society’s Investment Management Certificate in 2022 which includes modules on equity, fixed income and derivative valuation methods and he is a member of the CFA UK Society.
Robert sits on the Boards of several companies as a Non-Executive Director and Chairman and has over two decades of wide-ranging business experience, including on the boards of FCA authorised advisory and fund management firms. This experience includes membership of Supervisory Boards, Investment Committees, Remuneration Committees and Audit Committees.
He also chairs a charity and has served as pro bono Treasurer.

The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers
Criminal Bar Association
UK Environmental Law Association
Royal Forestry Society