David Lamb KC
David Lamb KC is a specialist criminal law barrister with particular expertise in cases involving high profile and multi-handed homicide, international drug trafficking, complex fraud and serious sexual offences. He was appointed Silk in 2022.
He is frequently instructed on a private basis where he delivers a complete, robust and bespoke service with first-rate client care skills.
Those who he is instructed by, leads and ultimately represents commend in particular his faultless preparation and case perception.
An exceptional strategist, possessing both a ready ability to connect with the jury and deliver complex legal arguments in a persuasive and eloquent manner.
Widely acknowledged as adaptable, stylish, charming and approachable.
Chambers and Partners 2025
“David is extremely efficient and effective. He is incisive in getting to the key issues and dealing with them with minimal fuss, always on the ball and proactive.”

Notable Cases
R-v-R (2023) Newcastle Crown Court (Mr Justice M Spencer)
Prosecution of the murder of the student boyfriend of the accused who was stabbed during an attack motivated by sexual jealousy with intricate topics concerning the forensic examination of the scene and pathology. Instructed by CPS Northumbria. Media coverage can be found here
R-v-K (2023) Teesside Crown Court (HHJ Crowson)
Defence of a pharmacist indicted with the murder of his brother. The trial presented elaborate questions of self-defence together with loss of control. Instructed by Westgarth Solicitors in Sunderland.
R-v-J [2022] (Newcastle Upon Tyne HHJ Sloan KC The Recorder of Newcastle) Murder
The prosecution of a frenzied drug induced knife attack upon a friend of the accused with intricate psychiatric arguments of diminished responsibility. Instructed by CPS Northumbria.
R-v-C [2021] (Newcastle Mrs Justice Lambert) Murder
The defence of a man charged with homicide of his own father. The case carried with it convoluted issues surrounding causation as death did not occur until 3 weeks after the event during which time numerous episodes of medical intervention occurred. Ultimately the prosecution accepted a plea to manslaughter. Instructed by Hodgson Coulthard in Houghton-Le-Spring.
R-v-C [2021] (Newcastle Mr Justice Lavender) Rape
Prosecution of a nightclub manager charged with the rapes of 2 female members of staff. Instructed by CPS Northumbria.
R-v-P [2019] (Teesside HHJ Ashurst) Murder
Defence of a man indicted with the murder of a vigilante who pursued the accused into his own home. Issues of householder defence and loss of control. Instructed by BBNM Law in Middlesbrough.
R-v-D [2019] (Durham HHJ Prince) Rape
Prosecution of historic rapes of 3 family members involving issues of severance and complex interwoven bad character applications. Instructed by CPS Teesside.
R-v-S [2022] (Newcastle upon Tyne HHJ Jameson QC). Murder
The defence of a 16 year old boy who was the second named defendant upon an indictment containing ten similarly aged youths all accused of murder. S began the unprovoked assault. The live issues centred upon joint enterprise and R-v-Jogee. Leading Rachael Landin of Dere Street Barristers and instructed by John Donkin & Co. Media coverage can be found here and here
R-v-U [2019] (Newcastle Upon Tyne Mr Justice Morris)
The defending a double murderer accused of the rape and subsequent murder of a female following which he attempted to disguise her identity and destroy forensic evidence by setting fire to her body. The case called for considered and careful cross examination of expert telecommunication witnesses and involved a cut throat defence with a co-defendant who was also on life licence for another earlier murder. Instructed by Hodgson Coulthard in Houghton-Le-Spring.
R-v-P [2018] (Newcastle Upon Tyne HHJ Bindloss). Drugs and Attempted Murder
The defence of a man charged in connection with a drive by shooting alongside a organised crime group multi-handed drugs conspiracy. Pursued issues of non-disclosure over 2 weeks of legal argument resulting in the case collapsing. Instructed by Richard Haswell’s in Newcastle.
R-v-M [2017] (Newcastle upon Tyne HHJ Sloan QC The Recorder of Newcastle). Perverting the Course of Justice
Defending the vulnerable girlfriend of the principal defendant who was indicted with murder who provided the police with a false exculpatory witness statement. Instructed by Scanlons in Sunderland.
Recommendations and client feedback
Chambers and Partners UK Bar 2025
“David is extremely efficient and effective. He is incisive in getting to the key issues and dealing with them with minimal fuss, always on the ball and proactive.”
The Legal 500 2024/2025
‘He is exceptionally efficient and easy to deal with. His vast experience is obvious in the ease with which he immediately masters complex briefs and is able to cut right to the heart of the issues.’
Chambers and Partners UK Bar 2024
‘David is incisive in getting to the key issues, always on the ball and proactive.’
Chambers and Partners UK Bar 2023
“David is thorough in his preparation.”
The Legal 500 2023
‘His knowledge of the law is tremendous and his court manner very reassuring.’
The Legal 500 2022
‘David is well organised, conscientious and thorough. He is tactically astute and his advocacy is sharply focused. ’
The Legal 500 2021
‘He is meticulous in his case preparation. He has excellent judgement. A very fair but tough opponent. An excellent legal mind – a very good case organiser.’
The Criminal Bar Association and the North Eastern Circuit