Andrew Walker
Andrew practises across the broad spectrum of criminal law receiving instructions to represent both Defence and Prosecution involving matters of violence including homicide, drugs and sexual offences.
Andrew is a grade 4 prosecutor, and is also a member of the specialist rape and serious sexual offences panel dealing with recent and historic cases on behalf of the prosecution.
His extensive experience in prosecuting and defending in major drugs conspiracies, fraud, kidnap and murder is reflected within his practice. He represented a defendant in a high profile local murder trial.
Andrew always establishes a positive rapport with both professional and lay clients and has achieved a healthy success rate over many years in contested trials.
He has appeared successfully on a number of occasions in the Court of Appeal as well as appearing in the Administrative Court in judicial review cases (one judgment in a reported case referring to his “succinct, helpful and excellent submissions”).
In addition, Andrew has considerable experience in Regulatory Law including:
Road traffic law
Local government prosecutions (Benefit fraud, Trademarks Act, Consumer Protection)
All areas of taxi licensing law
Shotgun license appeals
Police disciplinary hearings and reviews
Trading standards

Notable Cases
R (Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel) v. Shields [2001] ELR (2) : 164 (judicial review in Criminal Injuries Compensation case)
R v. Page and others [2005] 2 Cr.App.R.(S) : 37 (theft sentencing guidelines)
R v. Eastlake (Nicky) [2007] : EWCA Crim 603 (evidence/bad character/identification)
Member of the North Eastern Circuit.
Member of the Criminal Bar Association.
BA. (Hons) (Leicester), 1997
Bar Vocational Course, University of Northumbria