The Dere Street Charitable Trust raises £45,000 in its first year.

August 19, 2019

The Dere Street Charitable Trust is delighted to announce that it has raised nearly £45,000 in its first year of operation.  The entirety of the monies raised have been divided equally between the charities chosen by members of staff and barristers.  During 2018/2019 the following charities have benefited:
Cancer UK
Changing Lives (NE)
Parkinsons UK
The Wilberforce Trust
York Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

Dozens of Barristers at Dere Street have committed to donating a percentage of their gross income to the Dere Street Barristers Charitable Trust.  The charitable fund is administered by Trustees within Chambers.  All Members of Chambers, including staff, are able to propose charitable causes (both National and International) and the Trustees determine how the fund is distributed.
Applications are welcome from any charitable organisations. If you know of a project which requires financial assistance, please make an application: all details can be found on the Chambers’ website.