Our latest news, views, and industry insights


Dere Street welcomes Angharad Davies to Chambers.

Head of Chambers, John Elvidge QC said “Chambers is delighted to welcome Angharad Davies back to Dere Street Barristers.”  Angharad has a very strong reputation on circuit and nationally for her regulatory work and is also highly prized as a talented chancery and employment.  To view Angharad’s profile please click here


Chambers are delighted to welcome Angus Taylor

Dere Street extends a warm welcome to Angus who has today joined Chambers. Angus has a mixed criminal and regulatory law practice and will be joining one of the strongest criminal teams on the North Eastern Circuit that includes 4 Silks and 31 Junior practitioners. Further details of his experience can be found here


Dere Street Barristers Return Victorious from BHP Law’s Bonfire Quiz


David Robinson-Young “Holiday pay”

The analysis looks at the latest chapter which rests with the recent Court of Appeal decision from last week relating to the British Gas Ltd v Lock case.  The full article can be found here  


David Robinson-Young “Holiday pay”

The analysis looks at the latest chapter which rests with the recent Court of Appeal decision from last week relating to the British Gas Ltd v Lock case.  The full article can be found here  


Dere Street are delighted to welcome Liam O’Brien to Chambers

Head of Chambers, John Elvidge QC, in welcoming Liam O’Brien to Dere Street said, “we are delighted to have Liam on board. He is very well respected and I am sure his practice will continue to go from strength to strength” Liam will be joining one of the strongest criminal teams on the North Eastern Circuit […]


Dere Street are delighted to welcome Liam O’Brien to Chambers

Head of Chambers, John Elvidge QC, in welcoming Liam O’Brien to Dere Street said, “we are delighted to have Liam on board. He is very well respected and I am sure his practice will continue to go from strength to strength” Liam will be joining one of the strongest criminal teams on the North Eastern Circuit […]


10 tips to successful Grounds of Appeal to the EAT

Keep your grounds to an absolute minimum. As a general rule, the longer the Grounds of Appeal, the less likely they will impress the EAT Judge that considers them on the sift.  However annoyed you (and/or your client) may be with the decision of the ET, keep it short. Although it is not possible in all […]


10 tips to successful Grounds of Appeal to the EAT

Keep your grounds to an absolute minimum. As a general rule, the longer the Grounds of Appeal, the less likely they will impress the EAT Judge that considers them on the sift.  However annoyed you (and/or your client) may be with the decision of the ET, keep it short. Although it is not possible in all […]


Crossing the Border

On the face of it, appearing in the Scottish Employment Tribunal should not present any difficulties.  After all, the law is essentially the same – the Butterworths Handbook the same ‘bible’ in both jurisdictions (not particularly surprising given that much of employment law has a common European derivation.) However, those new to the Scottish jurisdiction […]