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R -v- Grannon

Albert Grannon, prosecuted by John Elvidge QC,  who shot dead his six-year-old great-grandson with an unlicensed air rifle has today been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment having pleaded to manslaughter by gross negligence and a firearm offence at an earlier Crown Court hearing.  Media coverage can be found here

Aisha Wadoodi

R -v- Allen

Aisha Wadoodi prosecuted the 51 year old defendant, who was convicted  after a 4 week trial of 14 counts of rape and sexual assaults on children. One child was a young girl of 4 when the defendant raped her. The other child, was a male victim of 14.   He received a sentence of 32 […]


R -v- Allen

Aisha Wadoodi prosecuted the 51 year old defendant, who was convicted  after a 4 week trial of 14 counts of rape and sexual assaults on children. One child was a young girl of 4 when the defendant raped her. The other child, was a male victim of 14.   He received a sentence of 32 […]


R v Barstow and Fletcher

Peter Makepeace QC leading Aisha Wadoodi prosecuted the defendants who were both indicted for Murder. On the 26th of December 2018, Mr Barnes was murdered by the defendants Barstow and Fletcher. The murder took place in Mr Fletchers flat. There is 11 minutes of mobile phone footage which revealed that by early evening Mr Barnes had […]


R v Barstow and Fletcher

Peter Makepeace QC leading Aisha Wadoodi prosecuted the defendants who were both indicted for Murder. On the 26th of December 2018, Mr Barnes was murdered by the defendants Barstow and Fletcher. The murder took place in Mr Fletchers flat. There is 11 minutes of mobile phone footage which revealed that by early evening Mr Barnes had […]


Re B [2019] EWCOP 3

Simon Garlick acted as junior counsel in successfully appealing the decision of Cobb J in Re B [2019] EWCOP 3 that B has capacity to make decisions about where to live, and in successfully resisting the cross appeals of the Official Solicitor relating to Cobb J’s decisions that B lacks capacity to consent to sexual […]


Re B [2019] EWCOP 3

Simon Garlick acted as junior counsel in successfully appealing the decision of Cobb J in Re B [2019] EWCOP 3 that B has capacity to make decisions about where to live, and in successfully resisting the cross appeals of the Official Solicitor relating to Cobb J’s decisions that B lacks capacity to consent to sexual […]


Helen Proops


Helen Proops


R -v- Helena Atay

Laurie Scott and John Elvidge QC represented the prosecution in the high profile trial of Helena Karine Atay, who unlawfully killed her husband Atakan Atay and claimed, unsuccessfully, that she had acted in self-defence after being subjected to coercive control. Media coverage can be found here