Our latest news, views, and industry insights


Phil Paxton our new head clerk in waiting

Phil joins us from Wilberforce Barristers Chambers of Hull where he has been head clerk for nearly 20 years and established an excellent reputation for working collaboratively with professional clients, members of chambers and staff. Head of Chambers, John Elvidge QC, said “We are delighted to have secured the services of such an experienced head […]


Kate Armstrong appointed Deputy District Judge

Chambers is delighted to congratulate Kate Armstrong on her appointment as a Deputy District Judge on the North Eastern Circuit, initially in the civil jurisdiction. Head of Chambers John Elvidge QC said, “Kate is part of the new generation of the judiciary; she joins the growing ranks of part time judges who continue to practise […]


Kate Armstrong appointed Deputy District Judge

Chambers is delighted to congratulate Kate Armstrong on her appointment as a Deputy District Judge on the North Eastern Circuit, initially in the civil jurisdiction. Head of Chambers John Elvidge QC said, “Kate is part of the new generation of the judiciary; she joins the growing ranks of part time judges who continue to practise […]


Lorraine Mustard represents the owners of the Glass House,Newcastle in recent tribunal hearing.

    Miss Mustard was instructed to represent Sambuca Cassia Ltd, owners of the Glass House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne at a recent licensing tribunal. The outcome of the virtual hearing will be known sometime this week.  Media coverage can be found here.


Lorraine Mustard represents the owners of the Glass House,Newcastle in recent tribunal hearing.

    Miss Mustard was instructed to represent Sambuca Cassia Ltd, owners of the Glass House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne at a recent licensing tribunal. The outcome of the virtual hearing will be known sometime this week.  Media coverage can be found here.


Dere Street members mentor future barristers.

Members of Dere Street Barristers have been using lockdown to mentor the next generation of barristers.  Using a combination of social media and email they are helping aspiring barristers develop their careers skills including interview technique and making applications. The lockdown mentoring programme was started by Dere Street barrister Jamie Johnston.  He has used the […]


Dere Street members mentor future barristers.

Members of Dere Street Barristers have been using lockdown to mentor the next generation of barristers.  Using a combination of social media and email they are helping aspiring barristers develop their careers skills including interview technique and making applications. The lockdown mentoring programme was started by Dere Street barrister Jamie Johnston.  He has used the […]


A message to all of our clients from John Elvidge QC – Head of Chambers

A message to all our clients Like you we are having to adapt at pace to the outbreak of virus Covid-19, personally and professionally. In challenging times it is vital that the public retains access to the justice system. We want to lend our support to you and your clients and are committed to continuing to provide […]


Corona virus (COVID-19) Message from the Lord Chief Justice.

Recently published review of the court arrangements due to COVID-19 can be found here. Information on the planning and preparation for jury service can be found here.  


Update on COVID-19 from our Head of Chambers

We are grateful to our solicitors for their support during these challenging times and hope we have been able to reciprocate. To those who are returning to work – welcome back! Many of our barristers are attending an increasing number of court hearings in person as well as by remote means using the latest technology. We are committed to managing old and […]