Happy Retirement Tom Finch

March 31, 2023

Today is Tom’s last day in chambers as he heads into retirement. 

His youthful looks and schoolboy smile conceal over 40 years at the Bar. He was called in 1981 and long ago proved his versatility across the disciplines: a veteran of the Cleveland child abuse cases and countless jury trials, latterly he specialised in family work across a broad spectrum including financial work. He has enormous experience. His pupils Claire Middleton, Nick Peacock and Andrew Walker will have enjoyed and benefited from his instruction and support.   

His skill and competitive streak in court made him popular with his many solicitors and their clients, and he is fondly regarded by his many friends in the professions and on the Bench. 

Tom is fortunate to have been blessed with a great sense of humour and fun, it was always a pleasure to catch up with him at court and in chambers. He will be missed. 

We wish him a very happy retirement.

John Elvidge KC